Thursday, August 12, 2010

Exploration on analogy metaphor

Metaphors are analogies between two objects or ideas, shown using a word or the other. These objects are not defined literally but instead similarities are sort between the two.

A good example of a metaphor is life and a journey. In this case, one could say that life is a journey although we all know that this is not literal. The journey is used to describe the various life stages and the hardships that one has to go through to overcome them. It also shows that just like a journey, life has a beginning and an end.

The image above, sourced from Google Images shows two figures walking through a fantastically lit forest. The figure to the extreme left could be the same as the figure to the right. The right would represent the beginning, where one is still young and bare and the left figure could mean that as one progresses through life, one obtains the hat which is some form of protection from the journey's hardships.

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